The “Phoenix” Portfolio
The ACubed “Phoenix” 100k diversified program is an algorithmic swing and day trading program. It contains a portfolio of well diversified trading strategies across 14 potential markets.
All of the ACubed Trading strategies and portfolios are available for autotrading through our leasing & execution partner Striker Securities.
Striker specializes in the disciplined execution of 3rd party trading systems and are a well-respected leader in the industry. They offer an array of credible and robust automated trading strategies, and maintain extensive records of actual performance for our clients.
If you have a live trading account at one of the many supported brokers, it’s easy to set the strategies/portfolios to be autotraded in your account. Just email [email protected] with the systems/portfolio you’re interested in and we’ll let you know how to proceed with autotrading the selected strategies.
Here’s a list of supported brokers (plus more are being added, so if you don’t see your broker on the list let us know and we’ll check for you!)